We Must Always take a first step into the unknown SHADOW MATERIAL HELD IN OUR CONDITIONING.
FACING THE COLLECTIVE SHADOW is the first step into walking the jaguar circle and teachings.
Welcome to the Way of the Feather our New Offering over at the Path of IX. Our very first self paced class via THINKIFIC as we step outside of our traditional circles and step into this way of exchange.
These teachings welcome the recognition that we come from different ways and challenge the cognitive bias that is keeping many in perceiving and not receiving. THIS IS SHADOW WORK!!
We are not gatekeepers but we do share the practice of how to have respect, how to give credit and how to give back.

Circle Teachings
Circle invites everyone and all their stuff. Circle will illuminate, welcome and provide a mirror to where you are in your journey. Circle allows us to sit with all our parts and learn how to shift our way.

Birds of a Feather
How can we learn from different people and different ways when we have a tendency to find comfort and acceptance. How can we step outside our comfort zone and continue our decolonization journey.

Sacred Pause & CCP
Courage, Curiosity and Play
Learn how a sacred pause can change and shift us away from our conditioning as we explore new ways of becoming and learning.

Feather Practices
Step out of the circle with new practices and new ways to build relationship. These practices are ones you can use for personal use and integrate them into your everyday.
This myth teaches us of the possibilities of having great vision with brave acts that honor relationships with nature and the all. The Hummingbird in this story teaches the "mighty" jaguar of how in the midst of a ranging fire in the forest (yes the world on fire) how by honoring its relationship to the forest its home, the forest is saved when the elements and other spirits intervene with rain after witness the hummingbird trying to put out the fire with the water in its beak.
It is so easy to get swept up in the way the dominant culture teaches us to relate by having no boundaries and taking whatever we want, but if we stay true to a way built on building relationships and honoring them we can put out the raging fire wanting to consume everything in the world.
Join us as we sit, face the fire, and learn a way of relationship outside the dominant culture.

So many people are curious and desire sitting with elders and teachers from native traditions but many times what is not addressed is how to be conscious of what you are asking and what you are stepping into the circle with.
Join our first THINKIFIC self paced invitation. This offering is unlike others we have and allows for easier bite sized teachings to be digested in time.
As always a % of proceeds go back to the community of teachers and elders who have supported and taught me, and to the land